Artificial Intelligence Transforming World

Posted on 2021-07-27 10:59:40, by Seawind
If we talk about present time, there is no industry and no human being whose life has not been impacted by AI in some or the other way. Artificial intelligence can be considered as the major driving force of the latest and emerging technologies like big data, robotics and IoT, and in the future also, we are sure that it will continue to be an important contributor and technological innovator for the foreseeable future.
“Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial.”
Talking about Artificial intelligence future, we are pretty much sure that AI is emerging as another consistently growing technology in our lives, just like the internet, electricity, and combustion use to be a few decades back. Days are not far when Artificial Intelligence will become an important part of human lives that will support us in carrying out small and big day to day tasks.
AI today is not confined for the machines that only helps in carrying out physical tasks, like it used to be at the time of industrial revolution but, it’s growing towards working on accomplishing things like thinking, planning, strategizing and making decisions.
How is AI changing the world and how fast is it Evolving?
It’s from past 20 years that the technology of AI has been continually evolving and astonishing us with various new innovations. Today, AI is categorised as a mature technology that is capable of changing the face of the world. Due to its faster growth and high-tech innovations, many organisations are actively opting for AI in one or the different way.
This might sound superficial, but the way AI has grown in the past time and has impacted our lives, we should be ready for more surprises that Artificial intelligence future might bring to us.
Today, there are many organisations that are indulge on various AI projects and are giving a new meaning to the future of technology. We have seen some really interesting examples like AI-driven driverless cars, facial recognition feature, AI auto pilot mode in commercial flights, deep-learning neural networks in the workplace etc. that makes us believe that Artificial Intelligence future is definitely beyond our imagination and will keep surprising us with such amazing innovations.
Artificial Intelligence future can be truly unbelievable, as it has the potential to transform the industry by implementing latest technologies like ML in best possible way, but to see this turn into reality we cannot just wish for it to happen on its own. In order see it happen and create a better world, it’s very important to have the necessary resources and also expertise to work on it effectively with full dedication. The major requirement for AI to grow today is to have the right people, people with the caliber to utilise right and necessary tools at the right time.
A lot of businesses and people are expecting to see some major breakthroughs in AI in the coming years. However, we still have to wait for some more years for the time when we can live a fully autonomous life and can call it “Artificial Intelligence future”. There are still a bunch of researchers who are busy exploring various approaches and possibilities that is eventually helping us keep up with AI. A few examples include driverless cars, auto-pilot mode, deep neural networks, and reinforcement learning. In general, most of the researchers thinks that the more sophisticated machine learning techniques, including those used in areas like auto-driven cars, deep neural networks etc. might take some more time to evolve. Still, it’s been experienced that even in this era of quick AI evolution, researchers have gained success in finding surprising ways to improve things by the minute.
Future Expectations of AI technology –
We have already discussed how in-spite of many new technological innovations that have changed our lives, AI has brought the most exciting changes and is still making our lives better. It’s not that AI is a new concept to us, but a few recent innovations have made the technology even more adaptable. Looking into Artificial Intelligence's future, it’s easy to expect a world in which AI is going to play an even more significant role changing the day to day lives of humans.
Most promising Artificial Innovations the world can witness in coming Future:
Getting more advanced with Self Driving Cars: Self-driving cars have already begun to make their way on the roadways in many parts of the world, still we can expect AI technology to bring more advancements considerably in the coming time. The ultimate goal of utilizing AI and creating a much safer and entirely automated self-driving car.
AI and robotics emerging together: The time is not far when incorporating AI technology into robotics is going to be possible. If this happens, we humans will be able to enhance our own bodies, giving ourselves greater strength, longevity, and endurance.
Fully functional Robots will be seen in action with the help of AI: The most awaited innovation of AI is to see fully functional Robots. Though we have seen a few of them till date, in addition to helping us enhance our bodies, Artificial intelligence future technology is anticipated to help us create artificial lifeforms in the form of fully functional Robots.
AI in the future is also going to impact our lives on a personal level: we have already started taking the benefits of Artificial intelligence in our personal lives as it has now made its way into many homes. But in the future, AI and its technological innovations will become essential in most households.
As we are moving closer toward being a part of the technologically driven society, Artificial Intelligence future applications and innovations are already all set to fulfill its promise of simplifying our lives with computers. AI future clearly indicates that new technologies will be an important source of making our lives happier and healthier, at the same time contributing in conserving time, energy, and money.
Major sectors that will be impacted by AI in future –
Travel and Transportation
Security and Surveillance
Health Care
Media and Entertainment
Heavy Industries
Customer Services
Food industries
What are the Artificial intelligent and Machine Learning Solutions that Acuiti Labs can help your business with –
Vehicle-based Intelligent Safety Systems – ADAS is a smart feature that can tune your car to have a clear understanding of your surrounding environments that can include roads, people, and obstacles. Vast experience in video analytics and computer vision has helped us in greatly improving the real-time performance of ADAS and therefore providing better and improved road safety. With expertise in both back-end systems and in-vehicle UI, we are the perfect automotive software partner.
Video Analytics & AI: The new frontier of Retail Intelligence – In the past few years, global digital transformation has increased the pace of retail innovation. It is a fact that brick & mortar retail is struggling and loss by theft is costing the UK economy hundreds of millions every year. But the retailers who have adopted video analytics & AI have started earning significant benefits in both reducing big losses by theft and has also improved customer intelligence.
Asset Management and Remote Inspection – The inspection systems that use artificial intelligence technology have completely transformed the way inspections are performed in modern enterprises. Today, mostly the inspections are automated that uses a hosting of software applications and hardware like drones etc. to record video, capture and generate thousands of images and subsequently analyse, visualise and act upon that data through video analytics.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions are built around the latest technologies, and our highly experience team is capable of applying these technologies within a range of various industries.